What a great Eudunda Show the district enjoyed this year. In fact it was so successful the “Rooster Crowing Competition” was given a mention on ‘South Aussie with Cozi’ social media and featured on 7News Adelaide ‘Ray of Sunshine’ segment (link on Facebook). The Eudunda Show was also praised in SA Parliament by the Honorable Tony Piccolo (Member for Light) as part of his praises about the great things happening in Eudunda (see article – A Treasure Honoured In State Parliament). As well media coverage was up this year with ‘Live Coverage’ by BBBfm 89.1 Community Radio, and The Leader Newspaper (Barossa) & Plains Producer (Balaklava/Clare) giving us great coverage.
Supreme congratulations to the Eudunda Show Committee for turning on such a wonderful, full day of family fun and entertainment for the region and it’s visitors.
A record number of twenty eight (28) South Australian Ag Show Rural Ambassadors (RA) and Junior Rural Ambassadors (JRA) gathered at the Eudunda Show to mark the 25th year celebration of the award in South Australia. Significantly 20 of those in the photo either are or were from Eudunda. The Show Committee recognise the significance of this competition, believing that it has been one of the contributing factors in our success. Our RA & JRA representatives are talented in their own right, and they gain great confidence and support with the opportunities afforded to them from their involvement. This in turn is returned to our local show in spades with their ideas, enthusiasm and hard work. Congratulations and thank you to every one of you!
We wish Belinda Jaeger all the best as she represents the Eudunda Show in the year ahead.
You can see a couple photos of the group on the “Stock Journal” online.

With the theme of “Birds of a feather” chosen to celebrate the installation of new “Chook” cages thanks to a generous donation by the Bower Progress Association, the theme was carried throught the show. Our Show Opener was Jake Bezzina of Royal Bird Animal and Enclosures, the builder of the new Poultry Cages. Every display had some chooks, figurines, paintings, drawings, models and art work, with some live chooks taking part in the competitions in the Poultry Pavilion, through to young hatchlings in the Show Hall Entrance showcasing the live of Poultry, Chickens, Water Fowl – “Chooks”.
Of course a most memorably and fun section would have to have been the “Rooster Crowing Competition” organised by Auctioneer Extraordinaire ‘Budgie’ (Brian) Schiller of BM Auctions and his helpers. A surprising large entry field in this competition seen all ages have a go, with some downright comical, with some were quite authentic. What can be said is that everyone gave their best rendition before the massive crowd of onlookers and it should be said that the judges had a tough time deciding on the winners in the bantam, hen & rooster classes.
The competition even had South Australian notoriety being featured on 7 News ‘Ray of Sunsine’ segment that evening (note that the final vision was not actually Alison who was the winner – see Alison on the photo below).

Remarkably, as the region is in the midst of a drought, the Pavilion entries were significantly higher than in previous years, in fact a record number. Much to the relief of the Show Committee, this year they had decided to change the format of entries, by setting the judging to be on Saturday, which negated the normal rush and delay of judging on the Sunday Morning.

Other improvements have been the shows online entries and payments which has sped up that process tremendously, and reduced workloads, even the judging is now using the online system, so results are much quicker at hand and everyone is very happy with the system.
A feature of the main marquee was the Native Food & Genoa Cake Judging in front of the public, as well as a presentation from the historic Anlaby Station which celebrated 185 years this year. The Eudunda Show Committee is grateful to Anlaby owners Andrew & Peter for allowing us to fund-raise by doing the car parking at their annual Anlaby Spring Festival.
The committee wish to thank all involved, judges, stewards and convenors as well as all those entering in the show for their willingness to make this work. The change proved to be a great success and the Show Pavilion was opened earlier and is likely to be continued in 2025.
Following on from the previous year there was also a Scarecrow and Hay Bale Art Competition which saw displays still showing after the show adding to the positive effect the show had on the region. Well done to those who went to that extra effort.
The Show Committee would like to thank all it’s sponsors for the generous support of the show, which has helped to keep the show a ‘Family Friendly’ low cost day of fun for all. Many thanks again to the judges, stewards and conveners, all the trade sites and those putting in show entries.
Many thanks also to those who entered the Scarecrow and Hay Bale Art Competitions too, which extended the celebrations even longer.
2024 Eudunda Show Hay Bale Art People’s Choice Competition and the Judges Choice winner is Brian Jenke with ‘Sounds of Dawn’ (#3). Thanks to our guest independant Agricultural Judging Panel from New South Wales for your effort.
2024 Eudunda Show Scarecrow Competition!!!
1st Place – Julia Schutz with ‘Big Bird’ (entry #3)
2nd Place – Annabelle & Jessica Preston with ‘Scare-Crow’ (entry #1)
3rd Place – Allie & Fay Anderson with ‘Every Little Girl’s Dream’ (entry #5)

Many thanks too for those who have helped the committee on the various fund raising events during the year which have helped to raise extra funds and has helped so much. The Eudunda Show have a large and friendly committee and will welcome more people to come join us to share the load. The Show AGM will be about March and would be a great time to come along and listen and chat. Please keep an eye open for this year’s fundraisers and come support the events and our show.
Come to the Australia Day Free Breakfast at the Eudunda Centenary Gardens on the 26th January 2025 to congratulate the Eudunda Show Committee for their win as the 2024 “Community Event of the Year”.
Check out our photo gallery below for a small view of the 2024 Eudunda Show.